work in progress

hi everyone! i hope you all had a fabulous valentine’s day – mine was very low key, which was perfect. sam insisted on staying in and making me dinner, and i acquiesced – i’m so used to cooking for the two of us, and stubbornly set in my way of doing things in the kitchen, that it’s really hard for me to sit back and let someone else take the wheel. fortunately we recently re-organized our furniture, so our sofa has a prominent seat in the kitchen (i finally admitted to myself that, while a sofa in the kitchen might be unusual, it is the place where it will get the most use) so i settled myself on it and watched him mix a batch of pasta from scratch, rest it, struggle with the machine and then proceed to make what was honestly the most divine fettucine alfredo i’ve ever had – topped with wilted spinach, sauteed mushrooms and crispy prosciutto. lesson learned: i should take a seat on the couch more often.

ever since setting eyes on the stella mccartney resort 2012 collection, i’ve been smitten. i’ve googled and ebayed obsessively, hoping to find the (seemingly not even for-sale yet) white dress covered in bows at an audrey-friendly price (i know this will never happen) – and it finally occurred to me that, of all the over-priced designer clothing i’ve fallen for, this was probably the most easily DIY-able. so i bought a spool of ribbon, picked a well-fitting but infrequently-worn dress from my closet, and proceeded to obsessively tie and pin ribbons onto it.

sadly, i’m a pretty good idea person and initial energy runs high; but after sewing on the first half of the ribbons, i lost steam, so i’m wearing this carefully so’s not to stick myself with one of the many pins poking out of the skirt and sleeves.

dress: madewell
shoes: thrifted
bows: added by me

i’m pretty excited with the way it’s looking so far. a good cocktail dress is so essential – you can tell i think so, as i have a closet full of them and yet 9 nights out of ten you’ll find me at home with sam, wearing comfy pants and a t-shirt. still, i love having a cute, well-fitting dress to slip into – an outfit no-brainer for when i DO go out.

. . . which is where you come in! brooklyn industries contacted me not long ago to see if i’d like to do a giveaway for my readers (another no brainer.) i’ve loved the brand for a long time – my love for red pants started with a pair of theirs a few years ago, and i’ve admired their simple but flattering silhouettes ever since. i picked this cute dress of theirs to give away – yours, for one lucky reader who leaves a comment.

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so. . . enter away, and i’ll pick a winner this friday. be sure to take a look at their new collection, too – lots of good stuff to see.

so much to post, and what feels like so little [free] time. i’ll be back soon!

xo audrey
SOURCE: homerunballerina – food & personal style by a bakery owner in the berkshires – Read entire story here.