Which Dress Should I Keep? — J’s Everyday Fashion

Gone are the days when I would get all dressed up for dinner, for events, and for work! I’m full-time at home with our son, so these days I rarely put on a real bra, never take my hair out of the messy bun, and am often smeared with toddler handprints – and yet part of me does still want to have fun with fashion! And so I have been shopping – for things that work for my life and my body now, and for things that are fun yet practical for indoor playdates, or the occasional run to Target (below).

I recently ordered these 100{d50be331f874ba152c228b59e0c48988849547f33c2aa06dbd7102fb78b76b37} cotton dresses to try on – I’m keeping one at most. Which one gets your vote?? – J.

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