Where Am I Off To In 11 Days? And why?

It’s funny how quickly things can change! I found out some amazing news yesterday and I am ready to fill you in ALL about it.



I am so excited (read: beyond excited) to announce that I am off to London in just under 11 days. Life has a weird way of working out when you least expect it! I only found out yesterday that I was going – it was all approved and flights were well and truly on their way to being booked! I basically jumped through the phone, then continued to dance for twenty minutes. I’m not that great of a dancer either, so it was a sight!

Why am I going? NEXT – UK’s biggest retailer, who are bang on trend and have an amazing online store as well asĀ 500 stores in the UK, are flying me over for their big runway event. I can’t wait to explore London for the week that I am there, see NEXT’s latest threads, attend the event, show you guys London from my point of view and see where all the good things happen at NEXT HQ! Also, keeping on with the Harry Potter theme of late, I will definitely be doing something HP themed.

Have you been to London? I would appreciate any suggestions! What are your fav places to visit, eat, drink etc? Please do leave a comment! If you’re a London based reader, HELLO! I can’t to be in your amazing City! It is going to be one helluva trip!

I have a little bit extra to fill you in on about the trip, but I will have to wait until tomorrow to tell you!


Images: From Flickr

Text: by me

SOURCE: Substance – Read entire story here.