Vitamin Sea

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wearing: bikini by Gooseberry Intimates & sunglasses by Sunday Somewhere
While in Vanuatu for the Helloworld Relay we also had a few chill days either side. When we arrived on Espiritu Santo we first stayed at Moyyan – House by the Sea. It was probably one of the loveliest places I’ve stayed throughout my blogger ‘career’. Our gorgeous bungalow backed right on the beach and I fell asleep to the sound of soothing waves crashing every night. 
We pretty much had a white coral sand beach to ourselves while there which we took full advantage of – taking long walks, searching for sea life and soaking up the sunshine. Mostly we ate at the restaurant – except for one night we borrowed the resorts bikes and cycled in the moonlight to the nearest sports bar for a few drinks and a few games of darts – so we had everything we needed right there and you can’t really ask for much more. It really was paradise.

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