Things to do during self isolation that isn’t Selfies or TikTok

Self Isolation isn’t just important for your own personal health, but it is to help stop the spread of COVID 19 from spreading (so fast). So cue people complaining of boredom, downloading all kinds of apps or spamming their friends on Snapchat and posting on TikTok.

But did you know there are other things you could be doing besides having the front facing camera of your phone pointed at yourself?

We list some of our top options you could give a go.

Learn a language

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

I’m sure we all have this on our to do lists. Whether it’s sign language, French, Spanish, Chinese or something else, now is the time to to download Duolingo or watch countless YouTube videos that teach you the basics of a language. Not only will it be a personal accomplishment, it’s also a skill you can put on your CV.

Spring Clean

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

We all have those wardrobes, drawers, cupboards that are stuffed full of items. It’s time to sort through your wardrobe and donate those practically-new-and-one-size-too-small jeans you will never fit into again. Or pull out the sewing machine and turn the clothes into new ones – an old dress can be altered into a cute new skirt or top. Darn those socks (or throw them out). Give fresh life to faded black clothes by dying them back to black again with some fabric dye you can order online.

Once you’re done with the wardrobe, move on to your beauty drawers. Throw out old eyeshadow palettes, lipsticks and anything that has been open or unused for months (or years). Also check the use by dates on your sunscreen and throw out anything that’s expired. When you’re done, don’t forget to clean your make up brushes.

Organise those memories

Photo by sarandy westfall on Unsplash

We all have 79079898 photos on our phones or digital cameras stored somewhere. Sort through them and make albums on Facebook to remember good times with friends and family, or make a physical photo book through a site like Snapfish and have copies sent to your friends and family also in self isolation. It’s a nice way to remind people you’re thinking of them without being able to see them.

Work out at home

Whether your jam is a high intensity workout or something chill like yoga or pilates, you can do it at home with a little space. There are plenty of work out ideas on Youtube you can follow. If you want to shake it up, there are tutorials that teach you how to do the Single Ladies dance and many more I’m sure. Get moving!

Get creative

Photo by Vladimir Proskurovskiy on Unsplash

If you’ve always wanted to update a old cabinet at home, repaint the window sill, work on your favorite arts and and crafts, do it. You can order supplies online and get started.

And finally… binge watch everything.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

I’ve gone from binge watching shows on Netflix to watching time lapse home renovations to snow removal and power washing videos. It’s pure escapism. Enjoy!

What have you been doing to stay occupied while in self isolation – besides take selfies and TikTok?

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