The Moisturiser Solution

My mother has always given me great words of wisdom when it comes to moisturiser. My mother suffered some skin damage from too much sun, which we can all relate too and she has always told me (enter sue’s voice here ) Have you moisturised?
With so many moisturisers on the market at different price ranges it’s hard to find the perfect one without trial and error, however this is costly. I hope to be able to give you the knowledge of my favourite products in a new section of my blog “Beauty”. My new website is only weeks away from launching, enter me squealing with joy and dancing around the room, however I wanted to share my first beauty post with you know and get you excited. So with that said, I bring you my perfect moisturiser, Vaseline intensive care. I know Vaseline have a lot of incredible products and I’m a fan of all of them and have most of them, but there is one that stands out for me in the moisturising category.

So here is my blurb: The products name is, Vaseline Intensive Care spray moisturiser with advanced strength. Why this product I here you say, well I like the fact it’s fragrance free. It’s long lasting, absorbs in seconds and restores dry skin. It’s non greasy effect means I don’t get marks all over my clothes and due to it being a spray means I can get all those hard to reach places on my own. Yes I’m talking about my back! I know I’ve given you so many reasons already… But the best is yet to come, it’s price is only $9.99.

Nikki xox

Shop the Vaseline Spray Moisturiser’s here

SOURCE: Styled by Phillips – Read entire story here.