Spin Dizzy Fall: DUBROVNIK

I have so many photos from my time in Croatia I had to Split them up into multiple posts. Croatia pun anyone? No? … First of all is Dubrovnik AKA King’s Landing! Yes, lets get this over with for those non-GoT fans who just want to hear about the REAL city of Dubrovnik… This is where we walked the same walls as the Lannisters as this is where they filmed a whole lot of scenes for the series Game of Thrones… it’s just that magical. 

In all seriousness (kidding, I’m rarely serious! But honestly…), out of everywhere I visited in the past 3 months, Croatia was my favourite. I always thought of ‘paradise’ as a tropical island away from civilisation but Croatia took me away from reality like no other (although Isla Mujeres in Mexico was veeeeeeery close – more on Mexico coming too!). We spent a week on a boat with a pirate crew, 20 strangers turned legends/friends, cruising down and up the Dalmatian Coast from Split to Dubrovnik and back to Split, hitting a bunch of island along the way. To say the least, my memory of this week is hazy but what I do remember are all good memories. Even the memory of a terrible morning of seasickness (yes, pure “sea sickness”) brings a smile to my face because the aura of bliss that was emanating from that boat was undoubtably glorious and contagious. 

While in Dubrovnik we spent a morning walking the city walls before searching for the hole-in-the-wall (this time literally) bars that overlooked the ocean and those brave enough to cliff dive into it. Honestly, the stories from Croatia could keep me talking all day but instead you can watch the video I made from our week HERE on my youtube channel spindizzyfall. More posts coming from Croatia soon!


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