Spin Dizzy Fall: CRUISE // Noumea

Alright, it’s time for a catch up! Late last year Alyse (you guys know my sister Alyse? If not, click here and get to know her – she’s my best travel-buddy/assistant/photographer/everything) and I went on a 10 day cruise through the Coral Sea. We were on the voyage thanks to Student Flights who hired us to create some video content for their social media channels and such. I’ve always loved creating videos while travelling and it’s so crazy/amazing/dreamy to have people appreciate them so much that they hire us to do the same for them. I love it! 

Anyway, we were on a 10 day cruise and first stop was Nouméa in New Caledonia! Once we had docked we immediately got on another boat (a little speed boat) and drove over to Duck Island to spend the day soaking up the sunshine and snorkelling. Just the beginning of what was a killer trip! So much more to come!


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