Daily Life in Snaps

WhatIWore: Life is good! Here’s a bit of what I’ve been up to lately. Tis the season for fresh flowers! I picked up sunflowers at the farmer’s market a couple weekend ago and then treated myself to some grocery store flowers last week. While everyone else enjoys summer cocktails, I’ve discovered lavender soda, which is my new favorite treat!  The baby’s nursery is coming along nicely! I found some cool pom pon trim and made it into a bunting banner and am also working on a pillow to match the quilt I’ve already completed. Because we don’t know if we’re having a son or a daughter, I’ve felt like I can make much for baby to wear… until Adam reminded me that every baby needs some snuggly knits! This little hat was my first wearable project for our bambino.  Finally, Bloomington in the summertime is my favorite place in the world. I love it here!

I hope you had a lovely weekend! I’m looking forward having our nursery painted, making curtains and our crib is set to arrive tomorrow! 


SOURCE: What I Wore – Read entire story here.