Ball Moves


>> I’m in a GIF-y kind of a mood.  Why?  Tonight is the night when I peel myself off couch/chair and head down to Koko to dance the night away (or at least embarrassingly shuffle around with a drink in hand) at the Hermès Silk Ball!  As we speak, I’m still surrounded by a mound of scarves wondering how to fashion it all into something resembling ball attire.  The GIF is definitely still a work in progress but a little help from Comme des Garcons and a beloved Rachel Comey dress will hopefully help me in my scarf puzzle quandry.  Oh, and I seem to be outfit-procrastinating since I’m waving around a tennis-themed scarf, and somewhat distracted by Wimbledon on telly.  With five hours to go, I’ll be just fine *she whistles and wonders*… 

There’s still quite a few surprises to be sprung upon guests tonight but for those of you there in spirit and not physically, the Hermès Instagram will be your best bet as well as post-event vicarious reel of pics here.  Koko is quite a cavernous space so there’ll be plenty going on in all its nooks and crannies.  Looking forward to seeing all the winners attending, who were chosen via the blog and my Instagram (thank you to everyone who submitted entries) and also please say “Hi!”  I don’t bite à la Luis Suarez (sorry, couldn’t resist… I’m quite fascinated with the whole sordid saga).  Oh, and whilst I’m still figuring out how 140×140, 90×90 squares and maxi-twillys all come together  in a coherent ensemble, here’s some pre-amble tracks to get the ball rolling…

SOURCE: Style Bubble – Read entire story here.