Spin Dizzy Fall: VIDEO: Vanuatu

Morning guys! Welcome back old friends. The blog has been a bit of a dull party over the past month but only because I’ve been out working on some crazy cool projects and finally here are the results!

I’ve just returned from gorgeous Vanuatu where I was a part of the Hello World Relay! A bit more info about the project HERE (big thank you to Travel Weekly for the mention) and you can see all my photos from the big day on my instagram HERE too. 

I have a few post coming up with plenty of fresh photos to share but for now I have this video that I’ve loved working on (Always so exciting making & sharing travel videos) from my time in paradise.

I also have a few more videos in the works from my travels over the past months so to keep up to date with all the happenings head over to my youtube channel youtube.com/spindizzyfall and subscribe. More coming on the blog soon (I promise!)


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