This year, the year I turned 25
(quarter century sounds a little horrifying sometimes), I decided to take on months of
travel at a time. I had a great life at home but I’ve always had a burning
desire to see the world and I finally realized I needed to stop ignoring the
flame and let it burn wild across the globe. Freedom is something I see as
greatly important. Of course a concept so grand can often feel unattainable or
may even be so daunting that it produces a reluctance towards change and makes
us want to scurry back into a safe ‘Netflix and Chill’ mode.

Your comfort zone might be fun
and all but it doesn’t compare to the feeling of the blood pumping hard through
your veins as you hike along a vast canyon in the Andes, or feel the first rays
on sun on your face as you watch the sun rise over Machu Picchu or even the
goosebumps up your arms in a lively club as you accept a salsa lesson from a
stranger. I experienced all these while on my travels through Peru. My sister was
set on travelling South America and Machu Picchu had been #1 on my travel
‘must-do’ list for years! She saw the tour with G Adventures from La Paz to
Lima and sent me the link (I’ll link the tour we did here too as I’ve had a few of you guys emailing me about how we got
around). That day I let go of that reluctance and took the next step towards a
new adventure … “Done, book it!” And there you go. There I am looking over
Machu Picchu, bordering on tears and feeling absolutely, no-doubt-about-it,

Your time is now. G Adventures is giving away 3 life-changing adventures around
the world– if you’re ready to take the #nextstep just follow this link to enter

(Competition only available to residents of
Australia & New Zealand)

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