Obsessed With: Stine Goya

I bought this printed cotton Stine Goya..dress-thing on the internets, sight unseen (it’s basically the Sassy magazine pillowcase/dress DIY..it’s a rectangle with holes for your body parts that need holes). It was a genius purchase.

It sorta has a rorschach print on it? As you can see here, where I am wearing it in from of a Warhol Rorschach. See? Rorschachs. (Ed Note: it is very pleasing to type that word).

It came with a fabric belt but guess what? SOmetiems I go rogue! Wear my own belt! Patent leather! YOU CAN’T STOP ME!

Pic by Preston, on a sweltering Saturday at LACMA

I wear it just about every third day. To say I luv it is an understatement.

Check it with penny loafers and this perfectly round gold bag that I bought in LA on a thrift trip with Marie (I call it the Golden Snitch. I’m a nerd).

More of the dress at LACMA! They have a whole room of Koons’ there. Have you ever seen this much Koons at once? I have not! PS, Preston is wearing an MC Escher tee that glows in the dark (you are welcome for that information)

The second to last pic is from a hotel we stayed in in Minneapolis, it was sorta baller! Clog sandals by Ecoté. Bottom pic shoes are Worishofers.

This dress is a dream. Can’t wait til I can wear it with yellow tights and mayyybeee a longsleeved shirt UNDERNEATH? Let’s get wild!
SOURCE: WHITE LIGHTNING – Read entire story here.