back to art school

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(Zara tank, Ksubi shorts, Céline sunglasses and espadrilles, Chanel art school backpack)

A beautiful gift from Chanel to kick off the summer. This backpack was the standout accessory of the spring collection and getting to casually sling it on with denim shorts is a trippy feeling. The idea just might never sink in fully. It takes a while to even fully understand the highly cool details it offers – a quilted back, solid gunmetal chains, hanging embroidered lariat doodad guy, gray acid leather zipper pulls..yes I’m having fun describing it and could continue for a long time without pause. I wore this simple look on Friday here in LA – my Memorial Day weekend plans? Preparing for a trip to Morocco that I couldn’t be more excited about.

The post back to art school appeared first on fashiontoast.

SOURCE: fashiontoast – Read entire story here.