paper anniversary

hello! i feel like i all-too-often start out posts apologizing for the big gap of time between, but i feel i’ve barely been keeping my head above ground lately – working lots, but more than that, working extraordinarily odd hours that have turned the idea of a “sleep schedule” into a sadistic joke and me into an exhausted, cranky pastrarian (pastry chef/contrarian.) the little bakery where i work is lovely in almost every way, but it is un-air-conditioned and poorly ventilated and that basically means there are precious few daytime hours when i can work without my butter melting all over the table; i end up working in the middle of the night here, the early morning there, a regular day between and basically yawning my way through the rest of the week. so – my apologies. ac is (fingers crossed) being installed as we speak and i hope to return to a semi-normal work schedule.
but this is a post long overdue – sam and i celebrated our one year wedding anniversary a few weeks ago, in quiet, old-married-people fashion, as is our way; we stayed in, made a big seafood feast, and watched back-to-back episodes of law and order: svu, aka the most romantic show on television.
sam visited our favorite fish market in new jersey and grabbed a couple of live lobsters, a dozen fresh oysters, and some jersey corn on the cob; i picked up some fingerling potatoes and truffle oil with a vague idea for a fancy potato salad. we decided to keep it simple – boil the lobster and serve with drawn butter, serve the raw oysters with a simple mignonette, steam the corn and make the salad.
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potato & arugula salad with truffle oil & goat cheese

1 bag of fingerling potatoes
1/2 container washed baby arugula
about 1/2 teaspoon fresh or dried thyme leaves
a couple teaspoons of truffle oil
a splash of olive oil
about 4 oz goat cheese
salt & pepper
steam the potatoes and cut them into quarters (or so Рbite sized pieces.) saut̩ them for a bit, to crisp them up, with some olive oil, then just toss it with everything else. ta-da! so simple, so delicious.

i sprinkled the corn with a little old bay, just to add a little something.

we even ate a bit of our extremely freezer burned cake, which was. . . extremely freezer burned. ah well. it was a lovely night, and very us; i feel so incredibly lucky to have found such a smart, funny, incredibly considerate, loving and thoughtful man to spend my time with; it definitely helps that he’s crazy tan, handsome, and talented too.
and a happy birthday to my little sister, esther, who is one of my favorite people on the planet (and who is finally starting to like seafood, hallelujah!) love you lady!

SOURCE: homerunballerina – food & personal style by a bakery owner in the berkshires – Read entire story here.